Section 3 Our Separation From God - 09 Supernatural Phenomenon

Question: I can think of so many “science questions” (i.e. brain transplants, Frankenstein). Instead of me asking these questions, can you just give some blanket answer regarding this?

God’s answer:

Wizard of Oz
The Scarecrow
Do not play God.

The Scarecrow is the character in the story, The Wizard of Oz, who wanted a brain.

Question: Does the metaphysical body control the physical body?

God’s answer:

One translates to the other.

Question: What do you mean by translates to the other.

God’s answer:

It shows.

Question: How does our physical body affect our transcendental body and vice-versa. You said “It shows”. What does this mean? Can you give me a visual?

God’s answer:

They both define you.

The visual image to this is a person looking at himself/herself in a full-length mirror.


Question: Why is it that the metaphysical can leave the physical, like astral travelling or bilocation? can the two function separately.

God’s answer:

One body, one mind
They are two existential platforms of one person.

Question: What do you mean by the phrase “existential platform”?

God’s answer:

Two levels of existence functioning as one.

Question: Is it the metaphysical body that has the psychic and cosmic energy, esp, see ghosts, etc.? Is this why we have these things and why some have more than others?

God’s answer:

Hidden powers
This is why

Question: Why are there people, either born or developed, whose metaphysical body are more “active” than others?

God’s answer:

Psychically active
It’s a loose connection in the brain.
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